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- Into DarknessThe Beauty of Japanese Trechini
- ISBN 978-4-902649-17-8
- Date of publication : February 24th, 2024
- Author : Shinya KAWAI
- Publisher : Roppon-Ashi Entomological Books
- B5 format (182mm×257mm)
- Hard cover 304 pages in colour
- Retail price: JPY18, 000
- Weight : 1.4 kg
This book is a photographic catalogue of all 443 Japanese trechiniid beetles known up to 2023
- 1. High definition focus stacking images of 92 live individual of trechiniid beetles are shown on one full page or half page.
- 2. 99 habitats of trechiniid beetle such as caves, abandoned mines and colluvia are shown in many photos.
- 3. Taxonomy, morphology and distributions of 32 genera of Japanese Trechini are summarized. (in Japanese)
- 4. All 443 Japanese trechiniid beetles known up to 2023 are listed in scientific names, body lengths, type localities, references and distributions. (in Japanese)
- 5. Distributional area of 21 genera of Japanese Trechini are shown in 7 area maps of Japan.
- 6. Research trips for 142 Japanese caves made by the author for 22 years are introduced with detail information. (in Japanese)
- 7. Photographic guide to the Trechini specimen collecting, mounting and photographing method with images. (in Japanese)
- 8. Descriptional papers of all 443 Japanese trechiniid beetles are listed as references.
Containing new genus Ryukyuaphaenops Sugaya et al., 2023



Book, Journal and Newspaper
2024/12/31 Integrative Systematics (Stuttgart Contributions to Natural History)
Integrative Systematics: Stuttgart Contributions to Natural History Volume 7
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2024/06/21 The Coleopterists Bulletin 78(2): 214–215, 2024.
The Coleopterists Bulletin 78(2):214-215
A book review in English.
2024/06/5 momo vol.29 p.33
2024/04/22 GEKKAN-MUSHI A monthly Journal of Entomology (639)
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