
Roppon-Ashi Entomological Books

Papilionidae of the World

Covers 603 Species in 29 Genera with Beautifully Illustrated Photographs


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Papilionidae of the World
ISBN 978-4-902649-16-1
Publication Date : November, 2021
Author : Makoto NAKAE
Editorial Supervisor : Yasusuke NISHIYAMA & Adam COTTON
Publisher : Roppon-Ashi Entomological Books
Retail price : JPY 25,000
Format : A4 (210 x 297 mm)
Weight : 2.0 kg
Pages : 336
Illustrations : full colour photographs
Cover : Hardback
Language : Japanese (Genera descriptions are written in Japanese and English)


  • All the known Papilionidae species are illustrated with full colour photographs.
  • Profile includes: forewing length, rarity, habitat, living altitude and distribution.
  • Double-page spread allows comparison of plates and descriptions of relatives.
  • Genera descriptions are written in Japanese and English. The descriptions include history of research, references, foodplants, behavior (life history) and latest information such as DNA analysis.
  • Distribution maps of 7 species groups are illustrated.
  • Some species are illustrated here for the first time.
    (e.g., Byasa mukoyamai, Lamproptera paracurius, Graphium (Pazala) wenlingae)
  • Descriptions of some species contain new knowledge about mimicry given through field studies.
    (e.g., Papilio (Achillides) hoppo, Papilio (Heraclides) pelaus)
  • Descriptions of some species contain new knowledge about life history and/or foodplants.
    (e.g., Papilio (Eleppone) natewa, Papilio (Chilasa) paradoxa)


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  • Distribution map of the 3 species groups in Papilio (Achillides) -- 22
  • Distribution map of the memnon species group of Papilio (Menelaides) -- 24
  • Distribution map of the 3 species groups of Caribbean Papilionidae -- 26
  • Family Papilionidae Latreille, [1802]
  • 1. Baronia Salvin, 1893 -- 30
  • 2. Hypermnestra Ménétriès, 1848 -- 32
  • 3. Parnassius Latreille, 1804 -- 34
  • 4. Sericinus Westwood, 1851 -- 58
  • 5. Bhutanitis Atkinson, 1873 -- 60
  • 6. Zerynthia Ochsenheimer, 1816 -- 64
  • 7. Allancastria Bryk, 1934 -- 66
  • 8. Luehdorfia Crüger, 1878 -- 70
  • 9. Archon Hübner, 1822 -- 74
  • 10. Battus Scopoli, 1777 -- 76
  • 11. Pharmacophagus Haase, 1891 -- 82
  • 12. Atrophaneura Reakirt, [1865] -- 84
  • 13. Byasa Moore, 1882 -- 90
  • 14. Losaria Moore, 1902 -- 98
  • 15. Pachliopta Reakirt, [1865] -- 102
  • 16. Cressida Swainson, 1832 -- 110
  • 17. Euryades C. Felder & R. Felder, 1864 -- 112
  • 18. Parides Hübner, [1819] -- 114
  • 19. Trogonoptera Rippon, 1889 -- 126
  • 20. Troides Hübner, [1819] -- 130
  • 21. Ornithoptera Boisduval, 1832 -- 142
  • 22. Meandrusa Moore, 1888 -- 158
  • 23. Papilio Linnaeus, 1758 -- 160
  • 24. Teinopalpus Hope, 1843 -- 252
  • 25. Iphiclides Hübner, [1819] -- 254
  • 26. Lamproptera Gray, 1832 -- 256
  • 27. Protographium Munroe, 1961 -- 258
  • 28. Graphium Scopoli, 1777 -- 260
  • 29. Eurytides Hübner, [1821] -- 298
  • Gynandromorphs of Papilionidae -- 314
  • REFERENCES -- 316
  • INDEX -- 326
  • AUTHOR -- 335
  • ROLE SHARING -- 335

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