ROPPON-ASHI is one of the division of Kawamo & Co., Inc. (Tokyo,
Japan, URL: http://kawamo.co.jp/ ) which has long experience of international trading. We are importing
worldwide books and literatures, and also exporting Japanese high quality
Entomological books at reasonable price. Our policy is as follows.
(1) We deal any kind of Entomological books ; new or used, domestic or
foreign, major or local, even very local private publishment.
(2) Book price is Japanese retail price, and it is the same for everyone
in the world (just the postage is difference).
(3) Using internet
makes the communication fast and accurate for everyone.
(4) All stuff are insect collector, so we have proper knowledge about insect,
and we can serch any kind of literatures using our network.
(5) Not only the books, we provide any kind of products related to insect
or Entomology such as insect net, pins, label, art etc.
To provide books to proper person, to recycle local literatures, we want
to establish worldwide Entomological network. Internet is the easiest tool
we can make it. We look forward to get your email, and we are confident
that we can provide best serivce for you.
Apr. 1th, 2015
Roppon-Ashi Entomological Books
Shinya KAWAI, President
Keitaro EDA, Sales manager
Koh KAWABE, Shop stuff
Contact us
Address: Sanbancho MY building, Sanbancho 24-3
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0075 Japan
Business hours of Our Shop: 1 p.m.‐4 p.m (Mon-Friday: excluding Japanese
Phone: +81-3-6825-1164
Fax: +81-3-5213-1600
Email: roppon-ashi@kawamo.co.jp
URL: http://kawamo.co.jp/roppon-ashi/