Neo Lepidoptera




Neo Lepidoptera Vol. 5(2)
Kazuyoshi Yoshino (ed.)
A4, 5pp.(カラー1pl.含,和文摘要付) 価格:400円(税込440円・送料別)

Description of a new species of the genus Chrysozephyrus from central Vietnam
(Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)


Neo Lepidoptera Vol. 5
Kazuyoshi Yoshino (ed.)
A4, 55pp.(カラー10図版含,和文摘要付) 価格:1,200円(税込1,320円・送料別)

Description of a new species and a new subspecies of the genus Pedesta from China(Hesperiidae, Lepidoptera)
[中国からのPedesta属の新種・新亜種の記載(Hesperiidae, Lepidoptera)]

Descriptions of new subspecies of several species of the family Pieridae, Lycaenidae and Nymphalidae from mainly China (Lepidoptera)

A review of the genus Tongeia from China with description of a new subspecies of Tongeia davidi Pou jade, 1885 (Lycaenidae, Lepidoptera)
[中国におけるクロツバメシジミ属(Tongeia)の再検討とダビドクロツバメシジミ(Tongeia davidi )の新亜種の記載(Lycaenidae, Lepidoptera)]

Review of the taxonomic classifications of Chinese butterflies (1) (Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae and Hesperiidae, Lepidoptera)

Review of the subgenus Limbusa from China, Indochina and the Himalaya (1) Euthalia (Limbusa) staudingeri Leech 1891 (Euthalia, Nymphalidae, Lepidoptera)
[中国、インドシナおよびヒマラヤのLimbusa亜属の再検討(1)Euthalia (Limbusa) staudingeri Leech 1891 (Euthalia, Lepidoptera)]
