Based on Yunosuke KIMURA Collection
Authors: Yunosuke KIMURA, Toshiaki AOKI, Shuhei YAMAGUCHl, Yoshinobu UEMURA and Tamamitsu SAITO
Appearance of the book: Each Paper Size: A4 (297x210mm) and pages: 264pp.,
Illustration of each specimens is all colours The inhabitat and distribution charts are inserted All description are written by both Japanese and English.
Price: JPY10,000 + EMS postage+packing
Click here for details (pdf)
Based on Yunosuke KIMURA Collection
Authors: Yunosuke KIMURA, Toshiaki AOKI, Shuhei YAMAGUCHl, Yoshinobu UEMURA
and Tamamitsu SAITO
Appearance of the book: Each Paper Size: A4 and pages: 245pp), 860g
Illustration of each specimens is all colours. The inhabitat and distribution
charts are inserted. All description are written by both Japanese and English.
Price: JPY8,000 + EMS postage+packing
Click here for details (pdf)
THE BUTTERFLIES OF THAILAND Vol.1 Hesperiidae, Papilienidae and Pieridae
Based on Yunosuke KIMURA Collection
Authors : Yunosuke KIMURA, Toshiaki AOKI, Shuhei YAMAGUCHl, Yoshinobu UEMURA and Tamamitsu SAITO
Appearance of the book : Each Paper Size: A4 and pages: 224pp), 760g
Illustration of each specimens is all colours. The inhabitat and distribution
charts are inserted. All description are written by both Japanese and English.
Price: JPY8,000 + EMS postage+packing
The explanation of 1,200 species of Thai buttepflies entipely, with the
three Volumes of books.
This is the first Volume, including families, Hesperiidae, Papilionidae
and Pieridae.
During 30 years attracted by Thai butterflies, one of author Y. Kimura
investigated at the various districts of all countries of Thailand and
collected by himself 1,100 species of the butterflies in respective location
in Thailand. The book has been compiled so that all data have been sorted
out and arranged marvelous plenty good enough collecting records. Today
the first Volume among the 3 Volumes has been published by the begining
on the sales.
The Contents of this book
Comprising the entire capturing records the butterflies in Thailand on
the literatures viz. the explanation of entire Thai butterflies consisting
of l,200 species and inserting plot chart of the distribution of all butterflies.
The publication and illustration of the valuable specimens captured by
the author Y. Kimura himself.
Now a day, the many mountains and forests in the wide district of South-East
Asia are deforested and a lot of the entomologist are entertaining a serious
apprehensions of an extinction of the creatures living in South-East Asia,
so this book is an important material which could not be neglected for
study and researches of the butterflies inhabiting in South-East Asia.
The synonym list that inserted in the last pages are made with the most
accurate attention by the careful examination of the original literatures
as exact as possible and made correction of the errors written and expressed
in the description and illustration of the respective literatures.
Preface 3
Introduction 8
Habitat and Scence 14
Hesperiidae 20
Coeliadinae 20
Pyrginae 30
Hesperiinae 51
Papilionaidae 110
Parnassiinae 110
Papilioninae 110
Pieridae 141
Coliadinae 151
A synonymic List of the Butterflies of Thailand 170
Index 212
Japanese Index 216
Butterflies of Laos
Osada, Uemura & Uehara, 1999
A4, 239pp.
Price: JPY18,000(+EMS postage+packing)
An illustrated list of the Genus Delias of the World
Yagishita, Nakano & Morita, 1993.
Plates: 409pp.(full color). JPY16,000(+EMS postage+packing)
Text: 384pp. JPY2,000(+EMS postage+packing)@Text: Out of Print
Butterflies of the South East Asian Islands
This is Japanese very famous and popular iconographic series of butterflies
of the Sounth-east Asian Islands. The series contain 5 volumes covered
major groupe of butterflies (in Japanese), and 2 of them were translated
English (following 2 tytles).
Vol.I. Papilionidae
Author: Etsuzo Tsukada & Yasusuke Nishiyama
Price: JPY25,000(+EMS postage+packing)
457pp.(166 color plates),
Size: 240mm~310mm~40mm
English eddition published: July 1982
In English.
Covered all Papilionidae such as Troides, Ornithoptera, Papilio,
Graphium etc. Because of so colorful genus, because of advanced
high technilogy of Japanese printings, this picture book is so beautiful
and worth to have one.
Vol.II. Pieridae and Danaidae
Author: Osamu Yata & Kazuhiko Morishita
Price:JPY35,000(+EMS postage+packing)
623pp.(162 color plates),
Size: 240mm~310mm~54mm
English eddition published: May 1985
In English.
This is also very beautiful color books, and every Pieridae and Danaidae
collector must have one. Even not a Lepidopterist, it is noce to look at,
beautiful and amazing color varietion.
Vol.III. Satyridae, Amathusiidae and Libytheidae
Japanese edition only. Only available used book.
Vol.IV. Nymphalidae Part 1
Japanese edition only. Only available used book.
Vol.V. Nymphalidae Part 2
Etsuzo Tsukada, 1991.
Price: JPY68,000(+EMS postage+packing)
576pp.(238color plates)
Size: 240mm~310mm~50mm
Japanese edition only.
Memoirs of the Tsukada Collection
(Descriptions of South East Asian
Aug. 31, 1982
B5 size, 64pp.
: JPY1,905.
April 30,
B5 size, 80pp.
Price : JPY2,381.
IWASE No.1`3
(Descriptions of butterflies and some Lucanids)
Issue: Aug. 31, 1983
B5 size, 72pp.(10 color plates)
Price : JPY1,905 (postage excluded)
Butterflies of Peleng Island with description of a new ssp. of
Hebomoia leucippe from Peleng.
No.2 ŸOut of Print
Issue: Feb. 15, 1984
B5 size, 34pp.(4 color plates)
Price : JPY952 (postage excluded)
Description of a new ssp. of Polyura cognatus from Peleng.
Description of a new sp. of Lucanus from Formosa.
No.3 ŸOut of Print
Issue: Aug. 31, 1985
B5 size, 22pp.(6 color plates)
Price : JPY952 (postage excluded)
Many descriptions of new ssp. of Philippines butterflies.